
Showing posts with the label Windows 8 Tricks

Getting Started With Windows 8

Getting Started With Windows 8   The latest incarnation of Windows is a much anticipated, and very different, version. And now that Windows 8 is finally here, users accustomed to previous adaptations might find this new Windows more than a little confusing. Not only is the Start menu – that anchor of all things Windows – gone, but there’s an entirely new interface to contend with. No need to feel completely lost, though. Here’s a quick start guide for getting the most out of Microsoft’s latest offering: The Lock Screen Again, Windows 8 has done away with the old in preparation for the coming of the touch screen PC revolution. This begins with the lock screen, which has a completely new look. To access your login screen from a computer, tab the keyboard’s space bar or spin the mouse wheel. Of course, if you’re on a touch screen tablet, you can simply swipe upwards to get to your login. From here, enter your password to begin. Navigation For those using a ...

What’s New in Windows 8.1?

Microsoft caught strong criticism for the changes that it made to the traditional Windows experience on Windows 8. On Windows 8.1, Microsoft apparently decided to address some of the issues that critics complained about. The new OS brings back many traditional features that went missing on Windows 8 and revamps the most problematic of the features that introduced on Windows 8. Windows 8.1 is a free update The update is available to anyone running Windows 8. To upgrade from Windows 7 you need to pay to upgrade to Windows 8 first then grab the free 8.1 update. If you have the Windows 8.1 Preview on your computer, you need to downgrade back to Windows 8 first and then get the full 8.1 update. The changes introduced in version 8.1 aren't much. They do enough to smooth some of the rough edges seen on version 8, though. Here's a look at the most important changes that you'll find on Windows 8.1 There's a new Start screen : The tiles on the Metro interface a...

Top 5 Windows 8 Features You’ll Love

Following the release of Windows 8 Developer Preview, many sites have done reviews on what the next Windows system will be like. The reviews are mostly positive, with some hailing Windows 8 as the next Revolution in the  technology of computer operating systems (OS). Such may well be the ambition of Microsoft, and it shouldn’t surprise time it comes at a time when Apple’s share of the OS market is rising and pitting fiercely against them. If there’s one thing great about competition, it is that it brings out the best product between companies. I’ve read up some of the features that Microsoft’s Windows 8 will be offering, and am now both intrigued and excited for what’s to come in the full version. It will even come with a new and unique kind of user interface (UI) known as the Metro. Here are brief descriptions to some top features you would be keen to know about: 1. Speedy Boot Time The load and boot up speed has improved significantly ove...