It’s cool how you can take a simple shape and manipulate it to form something else. This tutorial will show you how to take a circle and create a spider out of it!
Select the Ellipse Tool, hold down the Control key, and draw out a circle. Holding down control will keep the circle proportional.
You can see that there are 8 handles to choose from. Grab the top left corner handle. Holding down the Shift key, drag inward. You’ll see a smaller circle forming. Right click on your mouse to create the duplicate circle:
Using the Shape Tool, select the larger circle. You’ll see one node at the very top. Grab that node and drag it to the right until you get the following:
What we’ll do next is combine both shapes into one. You’ll need the Shaping docker for this. Go to Window > Dockers > Shaping. Using the Pick Tool, select the smaller circle. On the Shaping docker choose Weld. Leave the other options unchecked. Click “Weld To” and then move your mouse over the larger circle and click. The shapes should now be welded together:
Now let’s turn the shape upright. Using the Pick Tool, click on the shape and you should see 8 handles that can be used for rotating and skewing. Grab one of the corner handles and rotate the shape upright. If you hold down Control it will snap into place better.
Using the Pick Tool, click on the shape again and you should see the 8 black handles used to size the shape. Grab the top middle handle, drag downward, and then right click with the mouse to duplicate the shape. You should get the following:
Now we’re going to cut the shape. Make sure the shape you just created is selected and then go to your Shaping docker. Change the option to Trim and leave the other options unchecked. Click “Trim” and then move your mouse over the upper shape and click. You should be left with the following:
Click on the black swatch to add some color. Now grab the bottom middle handle and drag down to stretch the shape a bit. Also grab the left middle handle and while holding Shift drag out a bit. You should get the following:
We want to create more legs. So grab the left middle handle again, hold down Shift, drag inward and then right click to duplicate. Hit the up arrow on your keyboard to bump the shape up a bit. You should get the following:
You can add more legs if you like. Enjoy!
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