How to Add YouTube Videos in Blogspot (Blogger) : Blogger Tips

Many Blogger’s concentrate only the pure content, they did not allow the pictures and videos in their blog post. There are many reasons for this concept. first one is they think “it will did not help our blog’s rank and quality”.  and another one is they did not know “how to add or insert videos”.  If you are using many pictures in your post you will be attend the copyrights problem. but there is no problem for inserting videos, especially YouTube Videos.   In this tutorial we talk about “how to add or insert YouTube Videos in your Blog”.  This is very simple and very useful for every bloggers who want to add a videos. 

How to Add YouTube Videos in Blogspot :

First Go to the YouTube Website and search a video which one you want to insert in your post.  Now play a video.  Click share option at the bottom of the video.

Next click Embed option below the share button.  now it will shows the embed code.

Now Copy the Full Embed code as shown in the image above.  you can change the size of the video in the Video size option. Next go to your blogger account and click a new post.  Now insert the embed code in the HTML page and see the result in the compose page.  Now you can able to add any YouTube video in your Blog.

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Have a nice day!
