Enlarge Facebook Photos By Hover Mouse Pointer

Facebook glues you to your screen by showing updates from friends and family. While watching latest pictures of contacts is enjoyable, the Facebook picture viewing interface leaves a lot to be desired. One obvious flaw is viewing only one photo at a time. Thankfully there are two tools that remedy this issue: Facebook Photo Zoom for Firefox and Chrome.

Facebook Photo Zoom for Chrome is an extension for Chrome that lets us enlarge facebook photos  in a “˜hovering’ format. When we access a photo album in Facebook, the photos are in thumbnail format. We can simply hover the mouse pointer over an image for it enlarge and show its actual size.
Facebook Photo Zoom for Firefox is an addon for Firefox with similar functionality. We can use it to view the true size of pictures shared on our wall or the ones we see as thumbnails in our update stream.

Both these tools provide the same functionality with the same action: either you use Chrome or Firefox, you can hover over any Facebook picture thumbnail to view it in its true size. For Facebook users, these are undoubtedly very useful tools to have.

Just hover mouse over images to see full photos.
Chrome and Firefox users, both can use these tools.
Saves our time when it comes viewing photos in Facebook.

Photo Zoom for Chrome

Photo Zoom for Firefox

Photo Zoom for Safari

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Have a nice day!
