Set a Particular Time to Automatically Logout from Facebook

Facebook Addicts like me it's hard to find the logout button because we lost in the blue sea. This could have happened for you or your friend. Perhaps awful comments, some inappropriate pictures been uploaded to your account. You can prevent this mistakes by logging out of facebook when not using. Facebook is just for chit-chatting with your friends but some of them waste their whole time on facebook, to get yourself out from the FB world there is only one way either you logout or set a particular time to logout from facebook.

Signout from Facebook from a Particular Period of Time

Here is a trick to logout from facebook at a specific period of time. But this works only for Google Chrome. Firefox users just wait I will tell you at the end of the post. Facebook Auto Log Out is a Google Chrome extension this extension allows you to sign out from facebook at a certain period of time you can fix the exact time you want to logout from facebook like hours, minutes and seconds.

How To Automatically Logout form Facebook after a Fixed Time

  • First add Facebook Auto Log Out to your chrome browser.
  • After installing this extension you'll notice a icon at the top right corner.
  • Now click the icon and set the time you want to logout.
  • After fixing the time click "Start Timer".

Logout automatically from Facebook in Firefox

You can also see the time remaining. For FireFox users there is one addon called Facebook Auto-Logout but this addon is little bit different from Facebook Auto Log Out. This FireFox addon will let you logout if you close the facebook tab and if you are inactive for 1 minute it will log out, you can also customize the time. I tried this addon but it didn't workout for me. If this addon works for you let me know in the comments.

FireFox - Facebook Auto-Logout

Google Chrome - Facebook Auto Log Out
