How to Backup Blogger’s Blog.

This is another stair for blogging tutorial, in my previous few posts we have discussed deeply about Blogger, a site where can we make free blog or website with subdomain, also after that you can transfer it on custom domain. You have such features there in blogger and step by step I have pointed out you few of them. Blogger has not any FTP server or Cpanel. What happened with one of my friend, he has made a blogger blog with such copyright material so in 2 or 3 months his blog was deleted by Blogger accidentally without any intimation or information! Further, there is also some other violation reason for which sometimes your blog might be deleted. For avoiding from losing data of your blog I will tell you here you to make backup your blogger’s blog. If you have backup of your blogger’s blog you can recover all you data, images whatever was in the blog. So, here we will discuss about creating backup of your blog to recover your blog data if it would be remove.

How You Can Download Blog’s Template

Sometime after changing your blog layout or setting you find you had a mistake in changing setting, to avoid it happening again, first of all you must download your template because in case your setting is not accomplish as you desired then you can reinstall you older template again. I will tell you here how you can download or backup your blogger template. follow give below steps :-

Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template >
There will a button in right upper corner “Backup/Restore” Click it
You will see a new window like below image

Now for backup and download your current template Click on “Download Full Template”. In few seconds it will download your blogger template with all installed widgets or any other scripts.
In same window I have highlighted another thing it is for uploading you template.

How to Create Backup Blogger’s Blog

In the above Para I we were discussing about blogger template now we come back on the topic about how can we download complete data of Bloggers blog. Follows my next few step to backup your blog data.

In Blogger Dashboard go to Setting > Others

There will be three buttons in blog tool

1. Import Blog 2 .Export Blog 3.Delete Blog   Simply click on export blog to creating complete backup of your blogs data including images widgets scripts like Facebook, twitter etc. This process will take few second as per your blog data.

Now you have backup of your blog if accidentally you blog deleted you can recover you data by re-upload your data. Here I must suggest you that once a week or twice in a month you must do backup of your blog.

If you've any question, problem, suggestion and feedback than please comment below.

Have a nice day!
