Fountain Fill

Let us learn the details about the basics of fountain fill in Corel DRAW.

1.      Open Corel DRAW. Draw rectangle. Keep it selected.

2.       Click on Fill Tool from toolbox. The second option is "Fountain Fill Dialog". Click it and you will get "Fountain Fill" dialog box.

3.      Let us observe the default values in the dialogue box. Black and white colors are selected for fill. "Two Color" is selected in the color blend. And the fill type is "Linear" Please do not change any settings.

4.      Click ok. The object is filled with black and white linear gradient fill.

5.      Open Fountain Fill again and change Linear Fill type to Radial. Click ok. Observer the result. Try Square and Conical fill types. In the following image we have (from top left, clockwise direction), Linear, Radial, Square and Conical fill.

6.      Select Linear fill type and Two Color is selected by default. Select two different colors from "From and To" drop down menu under color blend

7.      Click ok and observer the result.

8.      Try rest of the fill types and use different color combinations.

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Have a nice day!
